2017.8~2022.6 中山大学大气科学学院 博士
2013.8~2017.6 中山大学大气科学学院 学士
2022.7~至今 yl12311线路检测 讲师
(1) Wu, L.Q., Wang, X.M., Lu, S.H., Shao, M., Ling, Z.H., 2019. Emission inventory of semi-volatile and intermediate-volatility organic compounds and their effects on secondary organic aerosol over the Pearl River Delta region, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 8141-8161.
(2) Wu, L.Q., Ling, Z.H., Wang, X.M., Lu, S.H., Shao, M., 2021. A gridded emission inventory of semi-volatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds in China. Sci. Total Environ. 761, 143295.
(3) Wu, L.Q., Ling, Z.H., Liu H., Shao, M., Lu, S.H., Zhou S.Z., Guo J.C., Mao J.Y., Hang J., Wang, X.M., 2021. Roles of Semivolatile/Intermediate-Volatility Organic Compounds on SOA Formation Over China During a Pollution Episode: Sensitivity Analysis and Implications for Future Studies. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 126, e2020JD033999.
(4) Ling, Z.H.**, Wu, L.Q.**, Wang, Y.H., Shao, M., Wang, X.M., Huang, W.W., 2022. Roles of semivolatile and intermediate-volatility organic compounds in secondary organic aerosol formation and its implication: a review. J. Environ. Sci. 114, 259-285. (共同一作)
(5) Chen, X., Situ, S.P., Zhang, Q., Wang, X.M., Sha, C.Y., Zhouc, L., Wu, L.Q., Wu, L.L., Ye, L.M., Li, C., 2019. The synergetic control of NO2 and O3 concentrations in a manufacturing city of southern China. Atmos. Environ. 201, 402–416.
(6) Wu, L.L., Chang, M., Wang, X.M, Hang, J., Zhang, J.P., Wu L.Q., 2020. Development of a real-time on-road emission (ROE v1.0)model for street-scale air quality modeling based on dynamic traffic big data. Geosci. Model Dev. 13, 23–40.
(7) Chen, X.Y., Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., Liu, Y. M., Shen, C., Wu, L.Q., Wang, X.M., Fan, Q., Zhou, S.Z., Hang, J., 2021. Regional modeling of secondary organic aerosol formation over eastern China: The impact of uptake coefficients of dicarbonyls and semivolatile process of primary organic aerosol, Sci. Total Environ. 793, 148176.
(8) Mao, J.Y., Zhou, L.X., Wu, L.Q., Chen, W.H., Wang, X.M., & Yu, P.F., 2021. Evaluation of biogenic organic aerosols in the Amazon rainforest using WRF-Chem with MOSAIC. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 126, e2021JD034913.
(1)2016-2021 重大研究计划重点项目(91644215):东部地区半挥发性有机物对二次有机气溶胶生成贡献的数值模拟与验证,主要参与人。
(2)2016-2021 科技部重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0202206):反应性有机物对区域空气质量影响的趋势及环境效应,主要参与人。
(3)2018-2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41775114):珠三角羰基化合物干沉降及其对臭氧与二次有机气溶胶生成的影响,主要参与人。